Exemplary Essays on Frederick Douglass


Students in English 9 finished the quarter by writing essays in response to the following prompt:

In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, how is education related to freedom? How is ignorance related to slavery? How does Douglass develop these themes in his narrative?  Continue reading

Dissecting “The Metamorphosis”


Students in IB World Literature just finished reading the classic novella “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka. “The Metamorphosis” is the surreal and puzzling story of Gregor Samsa, a young man who wakes up one morning to discover that he has transformed into a giant insect. Kafka’s novella is replete with irony, metaphor and symbolism, and students have worked methodically to interpret Kafka’s use of various literary features to make meaning of the text.  Continue reading

Reflections on Frederick Douglass


Students in English 9 just finished their study of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. After reading the final chapter of Douglass’s narrative, students responded to the following writing prompt:

Now that you have finished reading Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, why do you think Douglass decided to write this narrative? What did Douglass hope readers would get out of reading his story? What did you learn by reading Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass? What ideas, insights and realizations are you taking away?

Check out what students had to say in response!
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IB Students Reflect on Love in the Time of Cholera


Students in IB World Literature just finished reading Love in the Time of Cholera. Earlier this afternoon, they wrote the following reflections in preparation for a class discussion:

“The events in the story seem to revolve around the disease known as cholera. Whenever someone’s love was rejected, they were infected with cholera, whenever someone got into an argument because of love, there was an epidemic of some kind, and so on. Love doesn’t really seem like happiness after reading this novel. It is often associated with someone losing their mind or just not knowing exactly what they want. Most people who were in search of love either never obtained it, found love and then separated from it, or obtained it through cruel means. The same question kept occurring to me: Is there such a thing as true love?” Continue reading